Difficult Fight

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Difficult Fight
Quest Type Daily Quest
Tamer Level
Given by Patamon
at File Island Waterfront
Rewarded by Patamon
at File Island Waterfront
I trust that you've heard about this place?
The fight against Monochromons will be difficult, but don't give up!
You can receive the rewards from the fight only once a day.
Of course, you can find a variety of precious items on the Monochromons themselves.
It will be a very difficult fight on your own, so be sure to bring friends with you.
Now, let me tell you how to enter the fight.
Use a <Shining Pebble - Monochromon> at the 'Scattered Memory' and three Monochromons will appear.
Top 15 Tamers will receive 'Green', 'Red', and 'White' Four-Leaf Clovers when you defeat them.
Bring me the mark of the fight, Three-Leaf Clovers, and I will give you the promised reward.
Each Monochromon will give you clovers of different colors depending on his name.
Sharp Horn - Green Four-Leaf Clover
Thick Tail - Red Four-Leaf Clover
Giant Paw - White Four-Leaf Clover
You have to collect all three.
Good luck!
Collect 1 Green Four-Leaf Clover, 1 Red Four-Leaf Clover and 1 White Four-Leaf Clover after defeating the 3 Monochromons that spawned from using Shining Pebble Shining Pebble.png

Item(s): 10 Chicken Combo Chicken Combo.png, 10 Green Clover for Luck Green Clover for Luck.png, 1 DigiClone[A] Digiclon A.png and 3 Black Cogwheel Fragments Black Gear Piece.png
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