Shadow Labyrinth

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A place where the data is distorted by the effect of Ocean of Darkness

Shadow Labyrinth was added to NADMO (formerly known as Global Digimon Masters) with the October 23, 2018 Patch.

New type of dungeon where different opponents emerge daily

  • How to Enter: Talk with Anubismon NPC at D-Terminal.
  • Conditions: Digimon level must be higher than 70.
  • Admission: You can receive 2 admissions from Cerberumon NPC in D-Terminal daily. (Unused admissions will be removed after 5 hours).
  • Dungeon Route:
    • Defeat all the wild digimons from the first zone to the third zone to conquer the dungeon.
    • There is a chance for the fourth zone to open when the boss in the third zone is defeated.
    • The true boss monster from the fourth zone gives Extreme Evolution and Attribute Data when defeated.

Note: The days of the week on the server are according to the time zone of Seoul, South Korea.

  • Boss Monster of the Day
Day Icon Digimon Attribute Family Attribute Buff Extra Drop
Monday Beelzemon (Blast Mode) Virus Nightmare Soldiers -
Tuesday Fujinmon Vaccine Wind Guardians -
Wednesday Duftmon Data Nature Spirits -
Thursday Vikemon Vaccine Deep Savers -
Friday Fanglongmon Data Dragon's Roar Jungle Troopers
Saturday Omegamon Alter-S Virus Virus Busters Metal Empire
Sunday Armageddemon Unknown Dark Area Unknown

HP for Normal Mode is about 320,000.

  • In addition to the regular drops, the third room boss Digimon are guaranteed to drop the Craft Data item. You can use the Craft Data to craft various eggs by talking to Cerberumon NPC at D-Terminal.

  • Local Effect of Shadow Labyrinth Dungeon

Note: Tidal Wave of Darkness - Jogress Digimon's damage will always be decreased by 50%.

Day Family Attribute Buff
Monday If the Digimon is a Nightmare Soldiers

, the skill are increased.

Tuesday If the Digimon is a Wind Guardians

, the skill are increased.

Wednesday If the Digimon is a Nature Spirits

, the skill are increased.

Thursday If the Digimon is a Deep Savers

, the skill are increased.

Friday If the Digimon is a Dragon's Roar

, the skill are increased.

If the Digimon is a Jungle Troopers

, the skill are increased.

Saturday If the Digimon is a Virus Busters

, the skill are increased.

If the Digimon is a Metal Empire

, the skill are increased.

Sunday If the Digimon is a Dark Area

, the skill are increased.

If the Digimon is an Unknown

, the skill are increased.

  • Shadow Labyrinth Dungeon Conquer Reward
Day Buffs Rewards
Monday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Pitch Black Attribute Data
Warrior of Nightmare - Nightmare Soldiers
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Virus Attribute Data
Tuesday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Fire Attribute Data
Guardian of Heaven - Wind Guardians
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Vaccine Attribute Data
Wednesday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Water Attribute Data
Wild Howling - Nature Spirits
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Data Attribute Data
Thursday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Wood Attribute Data
Defender of Ocean - Deep Savers
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Vaccine Attribute Data
Friday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Steel Attribute Data
Descendant of Dragon - Dragon's Roar
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Fire Attribute Data
Forest Overseer - Jungle Troopers
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Data Attribute Data
Saturday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Land Attribute Data
Justice Bringer - Virus Busters
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Light Attribute Data
Ruler of Steel - Metal Empire
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%|| Virus Attribute Data
Sunday Extreme Evolution - Digimon's attack & skill are increased by 50% for (Mega) and 25% for (Burst Mode). Ice Attribute Data
Source of Darkness - Dark Area
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.
Chaotic Being - Unknown
Attribute Digimon's Attack & Skill damage are increased by 20%.|| Thunder Attribute Data
  • Secret Boss Monster of the Day
Day Icon Digimon Attribute Family Attribute Buff Extra Drop
Monday Barbamon Virus Nightmare Soldiers -
Tuesday Cherubimon (White) Vaccine Wind Guardians -
Wednesday Tanemon (Mega) Data Nature Spirits -
Thursday Neptunemon Vaccine Deep Savers -
Friday MetalGarurumon X Data Dragon's Roar Jungle Troopers
Saturday Omegamon Alter-B Virus Virus Busters Metal Empire
Sunday Apocalymon Unknown Dark Area Unknown
  • The Secret room has mini-bosses before the secret boss, which can be used to finish Gankoomon 1-1/1-2 quests faster.

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