October 28, 2014 Patch

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• Apocalymon Arrived in Digimon World! (October 28 to November 11)

Apocalymon, the Burst Mode of the Four Dark Masters in Adventure, is updated. To open the Evolution slot for Apocalymon, you need one <Return of Nothingness>


  • Apocalymon can evolve from the following 4 digimon groups.
 - Palmon (Woodmon) Group
 - Betamon Group
 - Hagurumon (MechaNorimon) Group
 - DemiDevimon (Soulmon) Group

• Evolve to Apocalymon! (October 28 to November 11)

There is a lottery for gifts for the first user and all users who achieve "Apocalymon of the Darkness" during the event period.

[Complete the Apocalymon of the Darkness achievement!!]


  • Event period: October 28 - November 11
  • Item distributions are notified separately after the event period.

• The "Ego of the Darkness" deck is included in the Digimon book. (October 28 to November 25)

[Digimon Book]

1 deck is newly included in the Digimon book. A dual effect of a deck is applied for the first time.

● Name of the deck: Ego of the Darkness - Apocalymon

Information: It is the final boss of the adventure and is a gathering of Apocalymons of 4 Digimon Groups made of Ego.

Condition: Open the slots for Palmon (Woodmon), Betamon, Hagurumon (MechaNorimon), and DemiDevimon (Soulmon) Apocalymon evolution.


        1. there is a 70% of additional damage of 12% of the normal attack (effects maintained for 5 seconds when activated)
        2. The maximum HP is always increased by 15%.

[Achievements and Titles]

● Apocalymon Collection Achievements Included

When Apocalymon slots are opened, you can complete each quest.

<Apocalymon of the Darkness> you can accept and complete the quests from the Dats Center Calumon NPC.

1. Apocalymon Ultimate Evolution - Palmon (Woodmon):

Complete when the Apocalymon Evolution slot of Palmon (Woodmon) Group is open.

2. Apocalymon Ultimate Evolution - Betamon:

Complete when the Apocalymon Evolution slot of Betamon Group is open.

3. Apocalymon Ultimate Evolution - Hagurumon (MechaNorimon):

Complete when the Apocalymon Evolution slot of Hagurumon (MechaNorimon) Group is open.

4. Apocalymon Ultimate Evolution - DemiDevimon (Soulmon):

Complete when the Apocalymon Evolution slot of DemiDevimon (Soulmon) Group is open.

5. Apocalymon of the Darkness You can accept it when you complete the 4 quests above. Complete it with conversations with the Dats Center Calumon NPC.

- Reward: <Apocalymon Collection> Achievement items to obtain achievements are given.

- Achievement Effect: Skill damage is increased by 10%

• Hello Halloween (October 28 to November 25)

To celebrate Halloween, the Dats Center will give many gifts based on the game access times

[Rewards Item]

[Reward Items you can receive with coins]


  • You cannot trade the event items.
  • You can trade the event coins with the Dats Center Soulmon.

• Halloween Party(October 28 to November 25)

Hunt the Pumpkinmons (Halloween Event) that are randomly summoned throughout the whole map of Digital World, gather the "Candy or Bit Box" that are being dropped by the pumpkinmon (Halloween Event) and collect the candies from it and trade them for Pumpkin Boxes! Scan the pumpkin boxes and receive gifts based on the pumpkin color and amount.


1. Hunt the Pumpkinmons that are randomly summoned throughout the whole map of Digital World with the pumpkin bombs and gather the dropped Halloween candies and trade them for "Halloween Pumpkin Boxes."

2. Scan the Halloween Pumpkin Boxes and receive a green, yellow, or golden pumpkin.

3. Take the pumpkins to the Pumpkinmon NPC and trade them for event items.

[Rewards Item]


  • You cannot trade the Halloween candy items.


  • You can trade the green/yellow/golden pumpkin items.
  • You have a certain probability of receiving green/yellow/golden pumpkins when you scan the pumpkin boxes.

[Halloween Gift box]


  • You cannot trade all the items from the Halloween Gift Boxes.
  • You receive 1 of the components when you scan the Halloween Gift Boxes.
  • You can obtain the items from the Pumpkinmons that are randomly summoned throughout the area.

[You can receive a Digiegg from the Limited Rare Mystery Digiegg]

• New area updated! (October 28 to November 25)

The Server Continent canyon is included!! Explore the region and receive many gifts! Collect the energy from the desert continent, the desert continent canyon and trade it with Dats Center Frigimon for gifts during the event period.

[Obtainable Reward Items for the energy of the desert continent]


  • Trade the energy of the desert with the Dats Center Dracumon NPC for items.

<1> = Runtime/Change to Repetition Quest after Completion

<2> = <1> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion

<3> = <2> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion

<4> = <3> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion

<5> = <4> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion

<6> = <5> Creation after completion / One off Quest

• A Halloween party with a new tamer! (October 28 to November 25)


  • Level-up gift box will be given to Gift inventory when you reach a certain level.
  • Relevant event item cannot be traded or exchanged.
  • Players can receive a gift box once per account.
  • New player who joined before October 28 can get the gift box after reaching the target level.

• Happy Halloween EXP event! (October 28 to November 25)

For the duration of this event (10/28 ~ 11/25), you will receive +30% Movement Speed, +200% EXP on weekdays and +300% EXP on weekends.

[Special EXP Event!]

★ To celebrate Halloween, there will be a 500% EXP event on November 1st (Sat.) and 2nd (Sun.)(48 Hours). ★

• November Achievement Event (October 28 to November 25)

Game Update

•3rd anniversary event has ended (October event)
•Halloween event have started (November event)
•FB 5,000 Like rewards has been provided to the all players(once per account) – 1x Mystery Reinforced digiegg (Level 4 ~ 5 Scannable)
•Server Continent Canyon Area has been added
•The bug of Wormmon Digimon is not showing in encyclopedia has been fixed
•The string of Hawkmon(Valdurmon) detail in encyclopedia (Burst mode Ultimate Wings) has been revised to be more detailed
•Blackwargreymon Card for quest is now being sold on Dats Calumon NPC
•Reset capsule reinforcement string has been revised to “Do you want to reduce the reinforcement point of (AT, BL, CT, EV) by 1 level”
(Armadillomon →  Armadimon)
•Compensation package for all the tamers who got affected by Jogress Chip and Digi-Aura bug (Leviamon and Lilithmon)