October 23, 2012 Patch
General Info
Happy Halloween was the Halloween patch introduced on October 23, 2012. It removed the First Anniversary update, and introduced new NPCs, new Digimon, new quests and new items. It will run until November 20th, 2012.
Newly Added
Mercenary Digimon
DemiDevimon (Devimon Line) | |
Devimon | |
Myotismon | |
VenomMyotismon | |
ChaosPiedmon (Burst Mode) |
Ripe Pumpkin | |
Jack-o-Lantern | |
Ghost Cookie | |
Piece of Backup (× 5 = Backup Disk) | |
Halloween Candy | |
Capsule Coin | |
Trump Sword | |
Halloween Gift Box |
DATS Center | Pumpkinmon (NPC) | |
DATS Center | Soulmon (NPC) | |
DATS Center | DemiDevimon (NPC) |
Quests and Events
Spend your Halloween with Digimons!
- Exchange your Halloween Candy (× 20 and × 1) in DemiDevimon (NPC)s shop until November 20th!
- Collect Ripe Pumpkins (× 50) to exchange them for Jack-o-Lanterns in Pumpkinmon (NPC)s shop! Prizes await those who manage to get the most Jack-o-Lanterns by November 20th.
Trick or Treat!
- Collect Ghost Cookies (× 300) to exchange them for a Halloween Gift Box in Soulmon (NPC)s shop! Prizes await those who manage to get and open a Halloween Gift Box!
EXP. Event Continues!
- You will gain 100% and 200% extra EXP. on weekdays and weekends respectively, during the special event period!
Halloween Halloween!
- Halloween meets Digimon Masters! Post unique and cool photos on the special event page !! Players will be selected through a draw for a variety of prize items.
Patch Notes
Hello. This is Digimon Masters.
In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, weekly server inspection of all servers has been completed.
Time of Completion: October 23, 2012 18:00 Joymax Standard Time
[Game Update]
• Digimon Masters Happy Halloween Event has begun
- Halloween Party with Demidevimon[Myotismon]!
- Spend Your Halloween with Digmons!
- Jack O Lantern
- Trick or Treat!
- EXP Event Continues!
- Halloween Halloween!
• Demidevimon[Myotismon] has been added in the cash shop
• "Trump Sword" (Demidevimon Burst Mode) has been added in the cash shop
• Halloween Concept has been applied in the Dats Center
• Digimon Masters 1st Anniversary has ended
• Demidevimon Rookie Skill (Demi Darts) has been fixed
• September Achievement Event has ended and October Achievement Event has begun (100 Crystalloids will get 1 item for the October Achievement)
• "The war of Akihiro Kurata!" has ended
- Victory server and MVP Guild on every server has been posted
- Prizes will be provided next server inspection (October 30, 2012)
[Web Update]
• Developers have answered! has been posted : Most of our players wanted to be answered by our developers
• Myotismon has been added in the Raking Page