May 7, 2013 Patch

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Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) Digital World Domination, May 7th, 2013

General Info

"Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) Digital World Domination" was the patch introduced on May 7th, 2013 and ran until June 4th, 2013.

It removed the File Island Discovered! Part 1 update, and introduced a new Digimon, new items, new quests and new events.

Newly Added

Mercenary Digimon

Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode)

Quests and Events

Celebrate the launch of Paladin Mode! Item Mall Surprising Event!

A chance to get some DigiEggs for $1! (Ends June 4th)
Keramon Renamon Hagurumon (MechaNorimon) Patamon Salamon
$7$1 $7$1 $7$1 $7$1 $7$1

The chance to get a strong Digimon different from others. Limited sale of the Imperial DigiEgg which you can get a level 4 or 5 Digimon. (Ends June 4th).

Kudamon Veemon (ExVeemon) Veemon (Veedramon) Dracomon (Coredramon (Green) Kudamon
Starmon Gomamon Dokunemon Kiwimon Gotsumon

Connect to Digimon Masters and Receive Imperial Gift!

Items rewarded when logged in during event period.
Item Obtained after
Giant Growth Fruit × 3 30 minutes
Amplification Booster (+200%) × 1 1 hour
Imperial Coin × 1 2 hours
Diablomon Boss Card × 1 3 hours

Imperial Coin Exchange Items

Item Required coins
Backup Disk × 3
Evoluter × 5
Hatching Backup Disk × 5
[[[DP] ChipSet Lv7]] × 10
[[[DP] ChipSet Lv7]] × 15

Call of Paladin

Tamers that haven't logged in since April 1st, 2013 will receive all of the items below if they log in during the event period.
Item Effects
Veemon (ExVeemon) Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg You can obtain level 4 or 5 ExVeemon
DigiAura (7 days) Digimon's Evolution Retainment
Equipment Box Package* (7 days) Obtained Equipment Item by scanning
Evoluter × 3 Expansion of Ultimate and Mega evolution slot
Backup Disk × 5 Penalty is revised if digimon upgrade is failed
Rabbit Doll Clothes (7 days) Avatar Items
Equipment Box Set: 60% Exp Booster (7 days), Black Star Hoodie (7 days), Headphones playing music (7 days), Red Power Gloves (7 days), Vintage Jeans (7 days).

Beelzemon Server Opent Event 1

During the event period, 200% EXP on the weekdays/weekends and 30% for movement speed!! However, 200% and 300% extra EXP on the weekdays and weekends, 30% for movement speed in Beelzemon server.

Beelzemon Server Opent Event 2

To celebrate the opening of the Beelzemon Server, tamers who log in during the event that is between April 1st and May 7th will receive DigiAura 7 days and Panda Doll Clothes 7 days

Patch Notes

Hello, this is the Digimon Masters.

In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, all servers will be undergoing weekly server inspection.

The weekly server inspection takes place every Tuesday.

Inspection Period: May 7, 2013. 13:00~19:00 Joymax Standard Time (6 hours duration)

[Game Update]

• Event (Open) - 7th May, 2013

Celebrate the launch of paladin model item mall surprising event!
- Period : May 7th 2013 ~ June 4th 2013
- Object : all server
Connect Digimon Masters And Receive Imperial Gift
- Period : May 7th 2013 ~ June 4th 2013
- Item provision : May 7th ~ June 4th 2013 [Automatic provision]
Call of Paladin
- Period : May 7th, 2013 ~ June 4th 2013
- Item provision date : June 11th 2013 (batch provision)
- Object : All server (Except Beelzemon)
Beelzemon Server Open Event1
- Period : May 7th ~ June 4th 2013
- item provision date : May 7th ~ June 4th 2013 (Automatic provision)
- Object : Weekdays 200% EXP. Weekend 200% EXP, Movement 30% (Lilthemon, Lucemon, Barbamon, Leviamon). Weekdays 200% EXP. Weekend 300% EXP, Movement 30% (Beelzemon)
Beelzmon server open Event2
- Period : April 01th ~ May 07th 2013
- Item provision date : May 7th 2013
- Object : Lilthemon, Lucemon, Barbamon, Leviamon
Beelzemon Server Ranking Event
- Period : May 7th ~ June 4th 2013
Facebook event : Digital World’s Hidden Charm of the Month
- Period : May 7th ~ May 21th, 2013
- Winner notice : May 28th 2013
- Prize distribution (including ‘Pop Prize!’) : May 28th
May achievements Events
- Period : May 7th ~ June 4th, 2013
- Item provision : May 7th ~ June 4th 2013 (Automatic Provision)
- Object : All users
- Rewards : Achievement title on May
GM event : The Gathering.
- Period : May 10th ~ May 25th 2013
- Item provision : Instant
GM Event : SNS Facebook event - Create your own Event!
- Period : May 7, 2013 – May 28, 2013 (3weeks)
- Winner Notice : June 4, 2013
- Date of Item Provision: June 11, 2013

The details of the events that will open today have been already posted on the official website as well as our official facebook page.

• Event that will end
1. Purchase Gabumon(black) and Receive Jewel Box!.
2. Welcome to Digital World Part 1.
3. Enjoy the game by Connecting to Digimon Masters and Receive Gifts!
4. Guard the file Island
5. EXP Event for the chesen
6. April achievement Event
7. Choose your path
8. Masters of Digiworld Quiz

• New server “Beelzemon” will be opened.

• Imperial DigiEgg Price will be added

• Omega Blade (Imperial Dramon Paladin mode)

• Gabumon(black) will be dropped on field.

• Attribute shop will be updated as below

1) Goblimon Mercenary Digiegg
2) Meramon Mercenary Digiegg
3) Tentomon Mercenary Digiegg
4) Palmon Mercenary Digiegg
5) Gomamon Mercenary Digiegg
6) Gabumon Mercenary Digiegg

• The board of Electric sign descriptions will be deleted

• 3 kind of Riding Mode will be added

1) MetalGarurumon (Black) Riding open item : Mode selector x 2
2) GigaSeadramon Riding open Item : Mode selector x 5
3) Valdurmon Riding open Item : Mode Selector x 5

• The Jewell box will be not provided when Gabumon(black) purchased. / Item image tag will be deleted

[Web Update]

• None
