Kaiser's Laboratory (Normal Mode)

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Dark Tower Wasteland

A place to create a Chimairamon experiments. An area where evolution of digimons is restricted because of the Dark Tower built by the Digimon Kaiser.

  • To enter this dungeon, it is required to have 1 Kaiser's Laboratory Warp Gate [E-N]. The item can be dropped from any enemy inside the Dark Tower Wasteland map.

Wild Digimon

Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Vaccine: Strong against Virus - weak against Data Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) HP: 880001 Level(s): 89~91
Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Fire: is strong against Ice (× 25) - weak against Water (× -25) - somewhat strong against Fire (× 10) HP: 880001 Level(s): 89~91
  • Kimeramon will spawn after BanchouLeomon is defeated.

Raid Drops List

1x Chimairamon's Data for Hero
1x RandomDATA Box Mid Class (must pick up from the ground)
1x Chimairamon seal (must pick up from the ground)

Chimairamon's Data for Hero

1x Digi-Egg of Miracles
1x Worn Digi-Egg of Miracles
1x Worn Miraculous Digi-egg Box
1x Lv8 All Family Chipsets HP
1x Lv8 All Family Chipsets DS
1x Lv8 All Family Chipsets DF
1x Lv8 All Family Chipsets AT
1x Laboratory AT attribute 27-220
1x Laboratory MS attribute 1-10%
2x Fruit of the Goddess
5x Miracle Fruit
5x Monster Card Lv7
5x Monster Card Lv6
5x Monster Card Lv5
4x DigiClone A

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