June 4, 2013 Patch

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File Island Discovered! Part 2, June 4th, 2013

General Info

"File Island Discovered! Part 2" was the patch introduced on June 4th, 2013 and ran until July 2nd, 2013.

It removed the Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode) Digital World Domination update, and introduced new Digimon, a brand new Tamer, new items, new quests and new events.

Newly Added

Mercenary Digimon



Tai Kamiya

Quests and Events

Reach the top 10 tamers of Gazimon!

During the event, tamers that have Gazimon Lv & Size that rank in the top 10 will receive 'Exchange Tamer(Tai)'.
Ranking Reward
Lv. 1 - 10 Exchange Tamer(Tai) × 1
Size 1 - 10 Exchange Tamer(Tai) × 1
Only 1 Lv & Size is provided when winning is overlapped. When it happens, winners in Size will be added.
It's impossible to change into another tamer once you become Tai Kamiya.

Power up your Digimon! Grab 30% OFF sale items NOW!

Tamers who want Poooowerful Digimons can get those at about 30% discounted price only during the event.
Backup Disk Mysterious Fruit Miracle Fruit
Digiclon [A] Digiclon [B] Digiclon [C]
Digiclon [D] Reset Capsule Reset Capsule A

Treasures of File Island are Provided Every Hour!

Items rewarded when logged in during event period
Item Obtained after
Amplification Booster +100% × 1 30 minutes
Gold Banana × 1 1 hour
File Island Coin × 1 2 hours
Piece of Evoluter × 1 3 hours
Piece of Evoluter - 5 pieces make 1 whole Evoluter, see Frigimon for the merging of 5 pieces

File Island Coin Exchange Items

Item Required coins
Agumon (Classic) Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
Patamon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
Biyomon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
Tentomon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
Gomamon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
Palmon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 25
ExpBooster +60% (7 days) × 10

Hunt Devimon and capture the moment!

Capture the screenshot of you hunting Infinite Mountain Dungeon boss monster Devimon with your friends on Facebook event page. Select users will be drawn to receive 'Exchange Tamer(Tai)'

The File Island Expedition

During the event period, bring the Essence of File Island after destroying the enemies of Digital World, Digimons who took away it. There is a high probability that you can obtain the Essence of File Island in the File Island areas.
No. Required Item
1 50 Miracle Fruit × 1
2 150 Backup Disk × 1
3 200 Evoluter × 1
4 650 Mystery Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg × 1

EXP Event for the File Island Expedition

During the event period, 100% EXP boost on the weekdays and 200% on weekends and 30% for movement speed!!

Patch Notes

Hello, this is the Digimon Masters.

For smoother server inspection and improve the game stability, the weekly server inspection schedule will be moved to an earlier time.

Weekly server inspection will take place every Tuesday at 10:00 Joymax Standard Time (GMT +9).New schedule will be in effect starting on June 4, 2013.

Inspection Period: June 04, 2013. 10:00~14:50 Joymax Standard Time (4 hours duration)

[Game Update]

Power up your Digimon! Grab 30% OFF Sale items NOW!
- Period : June 04 ~ July 02, 2013
- Winners Notice : On the Website on July 02, 2013
- Item Distribution : Mass-distributed on July 09, 2013
Treasures of File Island are Provided Every Hour!
- Period: June 04 ~ July 02
- Winners Notice : On the Website on July 02
- Item Distribution : Mass-distributed on July 09, 2013
The File Island Expedition
- Period : June 04 ~ July 02, 2013
- Winners Notice : On the Website on July 02, 2013
- Item Distribution : Mass-distributed on July 09, 2013)
EXP Event for the File Island Expedition
- During the event period, 100% EXP Boost on the weekdays and 200% on weekends and 30% for movement speed!
June achievements Events
- Period : June 04 ~ July 02, 2013
- Item provision : June 04 ~ July 02, 2013 (Automatic Provision)
- Object : All users
- Rewards : Achievement title on May
GM Event : Catch me if you can
- Period: June 7, 2013 to June 29, 2013
- Prizes:
5 Winners per GM
6 Boss Card(s) – Reinforced Random Mercenary DigiEgg 1x + 1 Digimon Archive + 3 Evoluters
5 Boss Card(s) – Reinforced Random Mercenary DigiEgg 1x + 1 Digimon Archive
4 Boss Card(s) – 1 Digimon Archive
3 Boss Card(s) – 3pcs 1000% Exp. Booster
1. Gazimon will be added (Evolution steps: Gazimon > Devidramon > Mephismon > Gulfmon)
2. New tamer "Tai" will be added
3. New Maps
a. Lost Historic Site
b. File Island Waterfront
c. Infinite Mountain
d. Infinite Mountain Dungeon
4. May event will be closed and June event will be started : ‘File Island Discovered! Part 2
5. Old Digimon skills renewal
a. Gabumon
b. Impmon
c. Elecmon
d. Gotsumon
e. Palmon (Woodmon line)
f. Biyomon

[Web Update]

• None

