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- Lv 50+ Tamer
- Lv 50+ Patamon.
- Lv 50+ Armadimon.

You pick up their quests from Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center

Patamon's Quests

1. Go talk to Calumon <Jogress> at Dats Center.
2. Use the item given to you and kill SkullGreymon at Dark Tower map.
3. Colect 10  Arachnemon's Spider Webs Dokugumon at Silver Lake map.
4. Calumon <Jogress> sells  Arachnemon Summon card. Buy it and kill at any map to obtain the drop item.
5. Calumon <Jogress> will give you a card to summon  Arachnemon Summon card (Real). Summon and kill it at any map.
6. Go to Infinite Ice Wall map and talk to Digimon Kaiser <Chosen Child>.

Armadillomon's Quests

1. Kill Dark Tower at Ruined Historic map (near the MetalGreymons).
2. Kill Dark Tower at Frozen Ground map (near Ikkakumons).
3. Kill Dark Tower at Silent Forest map (near Sharmamons).
4. Calumon <Jogress> will give you a  Dark Tower mutant Summon card. Use it at any map to summon and kill Blossomon (Dark Tower mutant), getting the item in sequence in order to finish the quest.

*In order to get the next part of the quest, you may need to first work on Patamon's quests.
5. Kill BlackWarGreymon (Dark Tower mutant) at Dark Tower Wasteland map, near the "East Dark Tower" Area.