Guide:Alphamon Ouryuken X
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'Alphamon Ouryuken (X-Antibody System)'
-Dorumon(ReptileDramon) Lv99 with Alphamon Ouryuken and Alphamon (X-Antibody System) unlocked. -Tamer Lv99
Quest Detail
Note: You must have Dorumon as your partner Digimon to accept every quest, due to X was removed from game
1. Talk to Calumon NPC at Dats Center 2. Talk to Dorumon <Calling for Help> at D-Terminal 3. Talk to Wizardmon <Resistance> at Versandi Terminal 4. Kill 30 Fanbeemon <Evolved> 5. Kill 50 Dracmon <Evolved> 6. Collect 15 GranDracmon's Low Class Instruction (drop from Dracmon), 5 GranDracmon's Mid Class Instruction (drop from Sangloupmon), and 3 GranDracmon's High Class Instruction (drop from Matadormon) 7. Kill 5 GranDracmon <Evolved> 8. Collect50 Unstable X-Antibody from DexDoruGreymon 9. Kill Examon <Royal Knights> raid boss 10. Kill Omegamon <Royal Knights> raid boss 11. Talk to Calumon NPC at Dats Center 12. Talk to Omegamon <Royal Knights> NPC at Dats Center
- As a quest reward, you will receive an
X-Antibody Factor : Alphamon Ouryuken – Alpha from Omegamon. This item is needed to unlock Alphamon Ouryuken (X-Antibody System) for the Dorumon(ReptileDramon) line.
- To be able to use Alphamon Ouryuken (X-Antibody System), you will also need an
X-Antibody Factor : Alphamon Ouryuken – Beta for the Ryudamon line. The item is obtainable by scanning the
Mysterious X-Antibody Factor or by crafting it with 33,000 X-Tickets and 1 X-Antibody Data: Ryudamon at PawnChessmon W <X-Antibody Factor Exchange>.
Mysterious X-Antibody Factor can be obtained from Gankoomon’s Training Ground, from cash shop, or from event.