GrandisKuwagamon (X-Antibody System)

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GrandisKuwagamon (X-Antibody System)

Korean name: 그랑디스쿠가몬X
Chinese name: 雄偉古加獸X
Thai name: แกรนดิสคุวากามอนX
Rank: A+
Unlocked with item: X-Antibody Factor - GrandisKuwagamon X-Antibody Factor - GrandisKuwagamon
Required to evolve: XAI XAI
Form: Mega X
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Elemental Attribute: Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel
Attacker Type: Quick Attacker
Type: Insect Digimon
Families: Nature Spirits
Metal Empire
Jungle Troopers
Digivolved from: GrandisKuwagamon
Can be ridden No
Can be hatched No
Available: Yes

GrandisKuwagamon is an Insect Digimon, the Digivolution of Okuwamon X; he is rare and it is said that he Digivolves from the strongest GranKuwagamon. He has the "Gran Killer" claws on his arms.

GrandisKuwagamon (X-Antibody System) was added to NADMO (formerly known as Global Digimon Masters) with the April 7th, 2020.


Lv. 11 Lv. 25 Lv. 41
 Lv. 41 (with link={{{X-Antibody System}}} X-Antibody Factor - GrandisKuwagamon)

Default Stats

Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 170

Digimon Stats Base
Health Points 4716 2530
Digi-Soul 2142 1090
Attack 1636 1052
Attack Speed 2.2
Critical Hit 27.32% 6.8%
Hit Rate 444
Defense 162 90
Evade 28.6%
  • Base Value = Official stats at 100% size and level 1


Gran Killer Steel Steel attribute 4 seconds cooldown 174 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 1.5 seconds animation
  Uses sharp fingernails on both hands to strikes the opponent
Grandis Scissor Steel Steel attribute 8 seconds cooldown 625 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 2.3 seconds animation
Shoots powerful rays of light from its head
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Gran Killer 4785 4890 4995 5100 5205 5310 5415 5520 5625 5730 5835 5940 6045 6150 6255 6360 6465 6570 6675 6780 6885 6990 7095 7200 7305
Grandis Scissor 9569 9779 9989 10199 10409 10619 10829 11039 11249 11459 11669 11879 12089 12299 12509 12719 12929 13139 13349 13559 13769 13979 14189 14399 14609