Forest of the Beginning

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First map of the Spiral Mountain region, it is possible to open up this area by paying 1T to White-Bearded Guru at D-Terminal or by completing all Tokyo-Odaiba main quests.

Forest of beggining mobs.png
About this image

Wild Digimon

Forest Area

Dokugumon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) HP: 127,200 Level(s): 120-122
Dokugumon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) HP: 196,500 Level(s): 120-122
Dokugumon Drops
Reward Comment
Money.png 2 Currency Mega.png 475 Currency Bit.png Game Currency
Insectoid DigiEgg.png Insectoid DigiEgg Insectoid Digiegg 100% sucess for scanning from data
Digiclon Box.png Digiclone Box [A-S] Random Digiclone A-S
Monster Card Lv2.png High Rank Monster Card Lv2 Summons random monsters
Insec DigiEgg.png Dokunemon DigiEgg Dokunemon
DigiEgg (for return).png DigiEgg (for return) Class 7 Refund Amount 450 Currency Bit.png
Mystery Attribute Rank C Lv2.png Mystery Attribute Rank C Lv2 HP / DS / Attack / Defense Attributes
Chipset Box.png Chipset EV R12 Box Random Chipset EV R12
Aura of Domination.png Aura of Domination Aura of Domination
Mammothmon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Vaccine: Strong against Virus - weak against Data Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) HP: 152,600 Level(s): 120-122
Mammothmon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Vaccine: Strong against Virus - weak against Data Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) HP: 235,800 Level(s): 120-122
Mammothmon Drops
Reward Comment
Money.png 2 Currency Mega.png 475 Currency Bit.png Game Currency
Beast DigiEgg.png Beast DigiEgg Beast Digiegg 100% sucess for scanning from data
Digiclon Box.png Digiclone Box [A-S] Random Digiclone A-S
Monster Card Lv2.png High Rank Monster Card Lv2 Summons random monsters
Beast DigiEgg.png Sharmamon DigiEgg Sharmamon
DigiEgg (for return).png DigiEgg (for return) Class 7 Refund Amount 450 Currency Bit.png
Mystery Attribute Rank C Lv2.png Mystery Attribute Rank C Lv2 HP / DS / Attack / Defense Attributes
Chipset Box.png Chipset EV R12 Box Random Chipset EV R12
Aura of Domination.png Aura of Domination Aura of Domination
Kuwagamon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Wind: is strong against Wood (× 25) - weak against Land (× -25) - somewhat strong against Wind (× 10) HP: 114,400 Level(s): 120-122
Kuwagamon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Wind: is strong against Wood (× 25) - weak against Land (× -25) - somewhat strong against Wind (× 10) HP: 176,900 Level(s): 120-122
Monochromon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Land: is strong against Wind (× 25) - weak against Wood (× -25) - somewhat strong against Land(× 10) HP: 144,500 Level(s): 121-123
Monochromon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Land: is strong against Wind (× 25) - weak against Wood (× -25) - somewhat strong against Land(× 10) HP: 223,400 Level(s): 121-123
Woodmon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Wood: is strong against Land (× 25) - weak against Wind (× -25) - somewhat strong against Wood (× 10) HP: 127,200 Level(s): 120-122
Woodmon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Wood: is strong against Land (× 25) - weak against Wind (× -25) - somewhat strong against Wood (× 10) HP: 196,500 Level(s): 120-122

Beach Area

Betamon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 144,500 Level(s): 121-123
Betamon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 223,400 Level(s): 121-123
Syakomon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 144,500 Level(s): 121-123
Syakomon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 223,400 Level(s): 121-123
Gesomon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 162,000 Level(s): 122-124
Gesomon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 250,400 Level(s): 122-124
Seadramon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 145,800 Level(s): 122-124
Seadramon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 225,400 Level(s): 122-124
MarineDevimon Search Icon.png Non-aggressive monsters do not attack you first Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 250,400 Level(s): 122-124
MarineDevimon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 250,400 Level(s): 122-124

Field Raid Boss

Okuwamon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Virus: Strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) HP: 19,885,500 Level(s): 122-124
MegaSeadramon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 22,095,000 Level(s): 122-124
Anomalocarimon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 22,095,000 Level(s): 122-124
Shellmon Search Icon.png Aggressive monsters attack you first. Data: Strong against Vaccine - weak against Virus Water: is strong against Fire (× 25) - weak against Ice (× -25) - somewhat strong against Water (× 10) HP: 26,514,000 Level(s): 122-124

Drops from Field Raid Boss

1x Aura of Fear MetalSeadramon.png Aura of Fear MetalSeadramon / Guaranteed reward
1x Simple Key Ring.png Simple Key Ring / Random Drop

Note: All Raid Bosses spawn 1 hour after death on all channels