February 24th, 2015 Patch

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Spirit evolution Vritramon!

Among Ten Legendary Warriors, another Digimon with the power of fire, Vritramon was updated. Do not miss the 2 weeks! :)

[Package Contents]


  • Event Period: February 24 ~ March 10

Vritramon Acquired Achievement

When you acquire Vritramon, you will complete the " Vritramon Acquired!" achievement and obtain the "Spirit of Fire! Vritramon “title.


  • Achievement Buff Effect: Damage increased by 5% when using fire element skills

Otamamon!, Jijimon are here at the Digital World.

Otamamon and Jijimon Digimons are included. You can buy (permanently sell) Otamamon and Jijimon Mercenary DigiEggs from the item shop.

Attendance and connection reward event

You will receive many gifts when you enter the game during the event period.

[Rewards Item]

[Reward Items you can receive with coins]


  • Event items cannot be traded.
  • You can exchange coins for items through Dats Center NPC Vritramon

Guard the Carnival Festival!

Monsters took the carnival jewels that were collected for the Carnival Festival of the Digital World. Find the stolen carnival jewels and give them to Dats Center <Event> Frigimon to receive a special gift!

[Rewards Item]

[2015 Carnival Gift Box Set]


  • Event items cannot be traded.
  • 2015 Carnival Jewel items cannot be traded among users.
  • <1> = Runtime/Change to Repetition Quest after Completion.
  • <2> = <1> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion.
  • <3> = <2> Creation after Completion / Change to Repetition Quest after Completion.
  • <4> = <3> Creation after completion / One off Quest.

Mini Card Game!! Beat Piedmon!

You can play a mini card game at the Dats Center with Piedmon NPC. Tamers must pay 10M game money and win an item by fighting Piedmon. Open the cards in the order shown by Piedmon and you will receive the item on the last card you open.

[Items you can receive from the cards]


  • Event items cannot be traded.
  • 3 play per day per Tamer during the event.

Enjoy the Digital World with new tamers

For new tamers to the Digital world, Dats Center has prepared a special package. You can change the 1 new user coin given when creating a new tamer with one of the packages below

[Package items for new tamers]


  • Event items cannot be traded.
  • Select one from package items A ~ D with the Newbie coin
  • Once per account during the event period

Carnival EXP Jewel Event!

During the event period, you can buy the Jewel Box item that increases EXP from the Digicore store. The Digicore store sells the "Miracle Jewel Box" item during the event period. When you scan the Jewel Box of Miracles item, you can randomly obtain, one of the "Miracle Pearl," "Miracle Emerald," "Miracle Diamond," "Miracle Aquamarine," or "Miracle Garnet," which increase the EXPs of Digimons. (Only for Digimon levels)

[Contained items]


  • Event items cannot be traded.
  • Dats Center and <Digicore Merchant> Kamemon in Village of the Beginning sell Miracle Jewel Box.
  • "Miracle Jewel Box" will no longer be sold after the event period.
  • You can exchange the Miracle Jewel Box for 10 Digicores.
Carnival EXP Event

During the Event, you will gain 30% increased Movement Speed and 200% extra EXP on weekdays, 300% extra EXP on weekends.

March Achievement event

Game Update

• Vritramon spirit digimon has been added
• Otamamon and Jijimon has been added
• Fix:
F7 and F8 Quick slot is not working issue has been fixed
• Events end:
February event has ended (1/27 ~ 2/24)
Item 50% discount event has ended (2/10 ~ 2/24)
Digimon 1$ sale event has ended (2/10 ~ 2/24)
• Valentine Chocolate Foods will be deleted on March 24, 2015