Digitamamon (Server Reward)

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Digitamamon (Server Reward)
Kind Event & Exchange
Location: Dats Center

Reward Coins are given to every player on every server after weekly maintenance. The number of coins given to each server may vary (1~5). Once the maintenance has been completed, players will find their Reward Coins in their Gift & Reward item Storage, in the Reward box tab. In the Dats Center, the Digitamamon (Server Reward) <Event & Exchange> NPC will trade your Reward Coins for some items.


Item Amount
Inventory Expansion Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 2
Reset Capsule Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 1
Reset Capsule A Reward Coin × 2
Fruit of the Goddess Reward Coin × 3
Consignment Shop License (Tanemon)[30 Days] Only available in the Digimon Masters - North America Servers! (Formerly known as GDMO) Reward Coin × 20
Consignment Shop License [30 Days] Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 20
Shiny Digitary Power Stone Reward Coin × 1
Hatch Backup [Level 4] Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 3
GM's Random Box Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 10
High Rank Renewal Increase Stone Reward Coin × 1
Digimon Boost Package [Event] Reward Coin × 20
Growth Factor 7 Day Reward Coin × 13
Random Riding Box Only available in the Digimon Masters - North America Servers! (Formerly known as GDMO) Reward Coin × 25
BM Random Box Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 26
Seal Opener [Event] Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 2


Item Amount
Jogress Mercenary DigiEgg [Payment] Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 22
의문의 말 [Event] Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 8
Gotsumon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Impmon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Starmon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Deputymon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Gabumon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Agumon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Veemon (ExV-mon line) DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Renamon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Guilmon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Tentomon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
FanBeemon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Dracmon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Veemon (Veedramon line) DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Dorumon (ReptileDramon line) DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2
Ryudamon DigiEgg Reward Coin × 2


Item Amount
Avatar Box - [15 Days] Reward Coin × 15
Diving Suit (Normal) Reward Coin × 1
Swimsuit (Red) Reward Coin × 1
Taekwondo Uniform Reward Coin × 1
Fencing Uniform Costume Reward Coin × 1
Pink Rabbit Doll Clothes Reward Coin × 3
Panda Doll Clothes Reward Coin × 3
Black Teddy Bear Doll Clothes Reward Coin × 3
White Teddy Bear Doll Clothes Reward Coin × 3
Teddy Bear Doll Clothes Reward Coin × 3
Adventure Tamer Avatar Reward Coin × 10
Soulmon Hat (7 Days) Reward Coin × 3
Cat Ears Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 3
White Cat Ears Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 3
Avatar Box - [Fashion] Reward Coin × 5
Avatar Box - [Top] Reward Coin × 5
Avatar Box - [Bottom] Reward Coin × 5
Avatar Box - [Shoes] Reward Coin × 5
Avatar Box - [Gloves] Reward Coin × 5


Item Amount
Rare Coin (Event) Only available in the Digimon Masters - North America Servers! (Formerly known as GDMO) Reward Coin × 2
Rare Coin Only available in the Digimon Masters - Korean Servers! Reward Coin × 2
NPC Merchants