Armor Digivolution

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An Armor Digivolution is a special digivolution which uses Digi-Eggs to unlock. You can get Digi-Eggs either by the cash shop, by a repeatable quest or by Mysterious Digi-Egg Box, which drop from Monster Cards 1~4. Note that the quest item has a chance of failing when you try to unlock the Digivolution. The DS usage and stats are same as Ultimate, while the skills are on the level of weak Mega. Every Armor Digivolution's F1 skill has a special effect, which can range from dealing extra damage to the enemy, buffing its own Skill Damage, increasing its Evasion, Critical, and more.

  • Armor Digivolutions CAN be used at Dark Tower areas, they are also immune to Etemon's devolution effect in Server Continent Desert. This means they´re overall immune to the Dark Tower Debuff.

Here is a list of the Digi-Eggs and special effects:

Digi-Eggs Digimon Evolution Special Skill Effect
Courage Veemon (Veedramon Line) Flamedramon 35% chance of "exploding" the opponent, inflicting a certain amount of extra damage 5 seconds after using skill
Hawkmon (Silphymon (Jogress) Line) Allomon 15% chance of gaining an invincibility shield for a certain period of time.
Friendship Veemon (Non-jogress Line) Raidramon Rideable 12% chance of stunning the enemy for a certain period of time
Hope Patamon (Non-Jogress Line) Pegasusmon Rideable 25% chance of an inflicting a certain amount of extra damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds (5 hits total).
Gatomon (Silphymon (Jogress) Line) Goatmon 20% chance of stunning the enemy for a certain period of time.
Kindness Hawkmon (Non-Jogress Line) Toucanmon 15% chance of DS recovery by a certain percentage.
Knowledge Armadillomon (Shakkoumon (Jogress) Line) Digmon 12% chance of petrifying the enemy for a certain period of time.
Hawkmon (Non-Jogress Line) Flybeemon 25% chance of increasing critical chance by a certain amount for 15 seconds.
Light Salamon (Non-Jogress Line) Nefertimon Rideable 22% chance of increasing skill damage by a certain percentage for 10 seconds.
Veemon (Veedramon Line) Gargoylemon 25% chance of creating a shield that reflects a certain amount of damage for 15 seconds.
Love Hawkmon (Non-Jogress Line) Halsemon Rideable 22% chance of increasing skill damage by a certain amount for 10 seconds.
Miracles Veemon (Veedramon Line) Magnamon Rideable 35% chance of Flash effect, inflicting a certain amount of extra damage to the enemy 5 seconds after using the skill.
22% chance of increasing skill damage by a certain percentage for 10 seconds.
Reliability Armadillomon (Non-Jogress Line) Submarimon 20% chance of HP recovery by a certain percentage.
Sincerity Hawkmon (Silphymon (Jogress) Line) Shurimon 20% chance of increasing evasion by a certain amount for 15 seconds.
Veemon (Non-jogress Line) Yasyamon 20% chance of creating a shield that blocks a certain amount of damage for 20 seconds.

Requirements and Notes

  • Digimon must be at least level 35 and must have the Armor Digivolution unlocked using the respective Digi-Eggs.
  • You can unlock all the Armor Digivolutions for that same Digimon Line. So In the case of Veemon, you can Flamedramon, Gargoylemon and Magnamon all on one line.
  • Magnamon has a special effect on both the first and second skill.

Promo art

Armor Digivolution Armor Digivolution
Armor Digivolution Armor Digivolution