December 24, 2013 Patch

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  1. 1. Christmas with ToyAgumon (December 24 to January 28)

Tamers who purchase a ToyAgumon will receive New year Coin (x1)

  1. 2. Limited sales of Christmas Reinforcement Mercenary DigiEgg for Christmas (December 24 to January 14).

Christmas Reinforcement Mercenary DigiEgg have been released in time for Christmas. Do not miss the two-week chance to meet the rare level 4 and 5 digimons!

[2013 Christmas Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Package]

Tip : Will be provided 1 x new year coin if you purchased Christmas Reinforced Digiegg

  1. 3. Launch of the Last Four Holy Beasts Digimon, Baihumon (December 24 to January 28)

The Last Four Holy Beasts Digimon, Baihumon, has been released!

  1. 4. Digital World's Happy New Year!(December 24 to January 28)

You can get various items just by logging in. Log in during the event period and receive various items!

[New Year Exchange coin item]

  1. 5. Santa's Gift Box(December 24 to January 28)

If you scan Santa's boxes that are dropped during the event period, you get 5 Santa's hats in different colors. Collect the different colored Santa's hats and hand them over to get various items!


Santa costume will be not showed to Adventure tamer (Tai, Mimi, Ricky, Matt)

  1. 6. Say Merry Christmas and tell us what you want from Santa.

Leave a Christmas greeting at the Digimon Masters Facebook page and write which item you want to receive the most. 20 people will be selected regardless of server to receive their desired item.


Server Name:

Tamer Name:

Desired Item:

  1. 7. Special Support for New Tamers!

For Christmas, the Dats Center has prepared a Lv-up Gift Box for new tamers to Digital World who reach certain levels.


  • Lv-up gift boxes can be received through the game cash storage.
  • These event items cannot be traded or exchanged.
  1. 8. Special Christmas EXP Event

During the Event, you will gain 30% increased Movement Speed and 200% extra EXP on weekdays, 300% extra EXP on weekends. The peak time event (500%) will be applied during the 3-hour peak time every day from December 26 to January 2. (01:00 ~ 04:00) The 500 EXP event will be applied on 12/24, 12/25, 1/1 (On December 24, 500% EXP event will be applied after server maintenance only)

  1. 9. January Achievements Events