Chaosdramon X

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This evolution has been officially discontinued, older players may have this evolution unlocked!

Chaosdramon X
(カオスドラモン X)

Korean name: 카오스드라몬X
Chinese name: 混沌龍獸X
Thai name: เคออสดรามอนX
Rank: SS+
Unlocked with item: X-Antibody Factor - Chaosdramon X-Antibody Factor - Chaosdramon
Rideable with item: Chaotic Seat Ver. X Chaotic Seat Ver. X
Required to evolve: XAI XAI
Form: Burst Mode X
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Elemental Attribute: Steel: is strong against Light (× 25) - weak against Thunder (× -25) - somewhat strong against Steel (× 10) Steel
Attacker Type: Short Attacker
Type: Machine Digimon
Family: Metal Empire
Digivolved from: Chaosdramon
Can be ridden Yes
Can be hatched No
Available: Yes

Chaosdramon X is a Machine Digimon and carrier of the X Antibody. Although it exhibits several times the power and firepower compared to fellow Mega Machinedramon, it is difficult to tame due to it being destructive and autonomous, so it chooses its own user. By sacrificing its speed with the weight of its "Red Digizoid", it acquired its "Super Genocide Attack". Its suicidal and terrifying point-blank shooting is also possible thanks to its "Red Digizoid" body.

Chaosdramon X was added to Korean Digimon Masters on July 8th, 2021.
Chaosdramon X was added as a Mercenary Digimon to NADMO (formerly known as Global Digimon Masters) with the July 13th, 2021.


Lv. 11 Lv. 25 Lv. 41 Lv. 65 This is a Burst Mode form, rather than a Side Mega form(with Hyper Cannon) Lv. 70 This is a Burst Mode form, rather than a Side Mega form(with Return of Nothingness)
 Lv. 65 (with link={{{X-Antibody System}}} X-Antibody Factor - Chaosdramon)

Default Stats

Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 170

Digimon Stats Base
Health Points 9487 5650
Digi-Soul 3965 2560
Attack 5164 3546
Attack Speed 2.5
Critical Hit 29.54% 9.2%
Hit Rate 441
Defense 356 221
Evade 38.8%
  • Base Value = Official stats at 100% size and level 1


Genocide Attack Steel Steel attribute 4.5 seconds cooldown 381 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 3.1 seconds animation
  Fires organic missiles from both of its arms.
Super Genocide Attack Steel Steel attribute 10.5 seconds cooldown 888 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 1.8 seconds animation
Grabs the enemy with the Chaos Crusher on its right arm, rips open the enemy's armor, and launches the organic missiles stored in its arm directly into the insides of the enemy.
Hyper Mugen Cannon Steel Steel attribute 51 seconds cooldown 2155 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 3.6 seconds animation
Fires a super massive energy beam from its two cannons.

Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Genocide Attack 12304 12574 12844 13114 13384 13654 13924 14194 14464 14734 15004 15274 15544 15814 16084 16354 16624 16894 17164 17434 17704 17974 18244 18514 18784
Super Genocide Attack 28711 29341 29971 30601 31231 31861 32491 33121 33751 34381 35011 35641 36271 36901 37531 38161 38791 39421 40051 40681 41311 41941 42571 43201 43831
Hyper Mugen Cannon 114318 118471 122624 126777 130930 135083 139236 143389 147542 151695 155848 160001 164154 168307 172460 176613 180766 184919 189072 193225 197378 201531 205684 209837 213990



  • Extremely high Attack compared to other SS+ Digimon (almost comparable to an average SSS).
  • Extremely high F3 damage and requires only 3 skill points meaning it can reach 25/25.
  • Can stack Peak of X-Evolution buff.
  • F2 has insanely quick skill animation.
  • Can Advanced Skill Break on F1 and F3 making his damage output high.
  • Virus/Steel is highly beneficial against raids in Descending Thunder God.


  • Unobtainable due to Copyright.
  • While having an absurdly high damage output, his HP is below average for a rank SS+, which severely limits his usefulness for end-game content.
  • Requires Peak of X-Evolution in order to access full potential (lootbox exclusive buff), and only receives half of its effect.