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Korean name: 파피몬 (흑)
Chinese name: 黑加布獸
Thai name: แบล็คกาบูมอน
Form: Rookie
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Elemental Attribute: Ice: is strong against Water (× 25) - weak against Fire (× -25) - somewhat strong against Ice(× 10) Ice
Attacker Type: Short Attacker
Type: Reptile Digimon
Family: Nature Spirits
Digivolves to: BlackGarurumon
Can be ridden No
Can be hatched Yes
Data needed / amount: Beast / 10
Available: Yes

BlackGabumon is a Reptile Digimon. It seems its fur was made from collecting Garurumon virus type data. While a bit of a hooligan, strip it of its pelt and it becomes bashful and cowardly. Its true face is a secret.

BlackGabumon was added to Korean Digimon Masters on January 30, 2013.
BlackGabumon was added as a Mercenary Digimon to gDMO with the April 9th, 2013 (File Island Dicovered! Part 1) patch.


Default Stats

Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 140

Digimon Stats Base
Health Points 1255 520
Digi-Soul 652 180
Attack 345 200
Attack Speed 2.4
Critical Hit 22.63% 6.3%
Hit Rate 485
Defense 41 18
Evade 23.70%
  • Base Value = Official stats at 100% size and level 1

Drop Locations / Information

This egg is dropped by Gabumon line's Digimon with a very low rate of probability.

Digimon Where found Levels
Gabumon Snowstorm Village Levels: 30-33
Garurumon Wind Valley Levels: 26-30
Garurumon Snowstorm Village Levels: 33-36
BlackGarurumon Yokohama Village Levels: 11-13
WereGarurumon Oil Refinery-1 Levels: 33-37
WereGarurumon Snowman Village Levels: 39-43
MetalGarurumon Distorted Data Village Levels: 57-61


Blue Fire Ice Ice attribute 7.5 seconds cooldown 29 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 2.3 seconds animation
  Shoots out a stream of blue fire.
Horn Attack Ice Ice attribute 15.4 seconds cooldown 59 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 3.3 seconds animation
Attacks with the horn.
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Blue Fire 780 818 856 894 932 970 1008 1046 1084 1122 1160 1198 1236 1274 1312 1350 1388 1426 1464 1502 1540 1578 1616 1654 1692
Horn Attack 1727 1801 1875 1949 2023 2097 2171 2245 2319 2393 2467 2541 2615 2689 2763 2837 2911 2985 3059 3133 3207 3281 3355 3429 3503


A Gabumon that has evolved into a Virus Digimon. The timid and shy personality has remained intact, but it has evil inclinations. It wears the hide left behind by 'Garurumon'. It ultimately evolves into MetalGarurumon (Black).