BM Random Box

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BM Random Box

Character Bound
KindScan item
ClassEvent Item
You can get BM Evolution Expand Slot randomly

Refund Amount1
Scanning Cost0

Burst Mode Item Unlocks the evolution
Alarm Clock Belphemon (Rage Mode)
Critical Arms Fujinmon
Furious Claw Demon (Beast Mode)
Gehenna Lucemon (Satan Mode)
Gungnir Gallantmon (Crimson Mode)
Holy Spear Ophanimon
Hyper Cannon Chaosdramon
Omega Blade Imperialdramon (Paladin Mode)
Sodom and Gomorrah MaloMyotismon
Toy Gun Beelzemon (Blast Mode)

Note: While the individual chances for a given BM item are not known, it's been shown that Gehenna is very rare, often requiring hundreds of boxes.