Apocalymon (Psychic) System

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Apocalymon (Psychic) System is similar to Spirit System. It is an aggregation of all 4 Dark Masters' souls. You will need to train Betamon (Apocalymon), Hagurumon (Apocalymon), DemiDevimon(Apocalymon) and Palmon (Apocalymon) to level 99, before sacrificing them to obtain the special items that are required for Apocalymon (Psychic). Do note that the 4 Digimon need to be the special lines that do not have Burst Mode on them.

New Special Digimon Line Extraction Soul Item New Apocalymon
Betamon (Apocalymon Line) Souls of the Left-outs Soul under the Sea Apocalymon (Psychic)
500 000
Palmon (Apocalymon Line) Souls of the Left-outs Soul of the Jungle
500 000
Hagurumon (Apocalymon Line) Souls of the Left-outs Soul of Steel
500 000
DemiDevimon (Apocalymon Line) Souls of the Left-outs Soul in the Shadows
500 000
  • The requirement to hatch Apocalymon (Psychic) is 1 and the 4 Soul items.
  • Souls of the Left-outs is needed to sacrifice the digimons. This item can be obtained via Cash Shop.
  • The sacrificed Digimon must be at level 99.
  • All items mentioned above are tradeable.