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(アンティラモン Andiramon)

Chinese name: 玉兔獸
Form: Ultimate
Attribute: Virus: strong against Data - weak against Vaccine Virus
Elemental Attribute: Pitch Black: is strong against Thunder (× 25) - weak against Light (× -25) - somewhat strong against Pitch Black (× 10) Pitch Black
Attacker Type: Quick Attacker
Type: Holy Beast Digimon
Family: Nightmare Soldiers
Digivolves to: Cherubimon
Unlocked with: Evoluter Evoluter × 3
Location: Dark Tower Wasteland
Can be ridden No
Can be hatched No
Available: Yes

Antylamon is an Animal Digimon whose name is derived from the mythological Aṇḍīra. It is the "Rabbit" Deva. It is able to freely manipulate the "qi" flowing within its body, allowing it to interact with softness as well as hardness, so that at times it moves flexibly as if it were flowing, and at other times it unleashes heavy blows like iron.

Antylamon was added as a Mercenary Digimon to NADMO (formerly known as Global Digimon Masters) with the May 16th, 2012.


Lv. 11 Lv. 25 Lv. 41
Lv. 11Lv. 25Lv. 65 This is a Side Mega form, rather than the Burst Mode(with Angel Ring)

Default Stats

Note: Approximate statistics with 140% size and level 120

Digimon Stats Base
Health Points 2437 1170
Digi-Soul 1189 490
Attack 548 315
Attack Speed 1.7
Critical Hit 21.66% 6.4%
Hit Rate 494
Defense 80 40
Evade 26.10%
  • Base Value = Official stats at 100% size and level 1


Bunny Blades Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute 3.5 seconds cooldown 40 DS consumed 2 skill points per upgrade 2.5 seconds animation
  Changes the hands into an axe shape and strikes the opponent.
Arm Bomber Pitch Black Pitch Black attribute 7 seconds cooldown 79 DS consumed 3 skill points per upgrade 3.1 seconds animation
Raises the level of the body into ChromeDigizoid level by emitting all the energy within the body, and continuously strikes the opponent.
Attack Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5 Lv.6 Lv.7 Lv.8 Lv.9 Lv.10 Lv.11 Lv.12 Lv.13 Lv.14 Lv.15 Lv.16 Lv.17 Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.20 Lv.21 Lv.22 Lv.23 Lv.24 Lv.25
Bunny Blades 1061 1111 1161 1211 1261 1311 1361 1411 1461 1511 1561 1611 1661 1711 1761 1811 1861 1911 1961 2011 2061 2111 2161 2211 2261
Arm Bomber 2294 2386 2478 2570 2662 2754 2846 2938 3030 3122 3214 3306 3398 3490 3582 3674 3766 3858 3950 4042 4134 4226 4318 4410 4502